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Urban Dialogue : Hong Kong
Farrells is an award-winning British architecture and urban design firm. In the past 25 years, their pioneering yet timeless designs have helped shape Hong Kong’s iconic skyline. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of their Hong Kong office, we have spoken to different architects from the firm and created two videos for their exhibition entitled Urban Dialogue : Hong Kong. We looked into the delicate yet dynamic effect on how architecture shapes a city and the way people experience it, especially in a crowded community like Hong Kong. A series of original drone footage, depicting the different facets of Hong Kong, were included to echo with the sophistication and elegance that can be consistently found among all Farrells’ projects.
Client :
Farrells London
Year :
Topics :
#Architecture #UrbanPlanning #Exhibition
Category :
#Branding #Drone #Interview
Farrells London
Year :
Topics :
#Architecture #UrbanPlanning #Exhibition
Category :
#Branding #Drone #Interview